Salee Reese

The Seduction of Security

Oh, the soul-numbing effect of living within the confines of the familiar! This was the theme that 41-year-old Angie and I discussed in our counseling session. She came to me wanting help with her depression.  “I just can’t seem to shake this no matter what I tell myself,” she said with a sigh. Angie described her […]

The Universe Loves You

Even when you don’t. Plagued with guilt and self-loathing, many of us are solidly convinced that as human beings we are fundamentally unworthy and unlovable. It’s just not true. Our essence is pure. How is it possible to despise purity? Maybe what we consider unlovable is our tainted opinion of ourselves—something we grew to believe […]

Not Guilty!

Kara would like to skip getting together with her family over the holidays. But guilt stands in her way. “I hate to say it but I’d be a whole lot happier spending time with Marc’s family,” she said. Marc is Kara’s husband. “They’re just more pleasant to be around.” In contrast, Kara’s family gatherings are unbearably […]

My Girlfriend Is a Bully

Avoid people who don’t care what they do to you. Picture a large, ugly, brutish ogre who frequently pummels people over the head with a club. More than likely, he’ll be catered to because doing so will make things a trillion times more pleasant than the alternative. Standing up to him will have the same […]

Latest Wow: Goodbye to Insane Guilt

I remember when Vanessa wowed me with this one: “I’ve spent 30 years hating myself, and I’m tired of it. I need to learn how to love myself.” Self-loathing wasn’t something Vanessa was born with.  It was learned. When we were babies, we had no innate sense of disgust with ourselves. If our rattle fell […]

Fake Love

“We need in love to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily—we do not need to learn it.”             ~ Rainer Maria Rilke “If she leaves me, I’ll die—I’ll have nothing to live for. She’s everything to me—she’s my life!” Jeremy, 27, is panicked over the possibility of losing his […]

Over It

Holly told me she wasn’t suicidal. I disagreed. “I guess you’re right,” she said after some thought. “I’ve been killing myself off for years.” Holly was referring to staying with a man who frequently deflates her spirit—her husband, Lance. She related the events of an evening they had some friends over. When it was time […]

Love Shouldn’t be a Prison, and True Love Isn’t

Since this is the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d dust off one of my favorites from several years ago that seemed to resonate with many people. Even if you’ve been following me from the beginning, this one’s worth a second look: One thing that assures a long-lasting relationship is kindness—each partner treating the […]

You’re not Crazy!

Ever been around someone who makes you question your sanity because there’s no working things out? Every attempt to reason with them fails miserably . . . nothing works. Presenting facts doesn’t work. Even staying composed doesn’t work. Those hair-pulling moments can reduce a person to a pitiful pile of frustration and self-doubt in a […]

The Unhappy Chameleon

Doug wowed me with this in one of our sessions: “I always wanted to blend in . . . like a chameleon.” Then looking away reflectively, he added, “You know, it takes a hell of a lot of energy to change my colors.” He’s right. So why do we do it? It’s all about making sure we’re […]