Salee Reese

Following a Dream

In my blog and in my practice, I talk a lot about honoring our inner truth. My truth is this: I have a book inside of me that wants to come out. This won’t be my first book. (If you’re interested, you can find that here.) This second book will be about guilt and how to break free […]

Don’t Settle for a Beige Life

When we follow our dreams, we take up residence in a much larger part of ourselves . . . our soul. “Be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.”  – Rumi That line could apply to many circumstances. It can apply to a person, an activity, a career or a dream […]

Latest Wow: We Can’t Always Snap Out of It

Brad has suffered from clinical depression for many years. Therapy and medications have helped some, but not entirely and not consistently. There are days when all he wants to do is stay in bed. On other days—his good days—he’s active and highly involved with the world. Would he like to feel that way every day? Of […]

Untuck Your Wings

This is one of my favorite quotes: “O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is!”   — Macrina Wiederkehr, author of Seasons Of Your Heart Walking along a trail, you see an unusual and stunning butterfly. Perched on a small branch, its richly colored patterns and exquisite gracefulness invite […]

Something Would Be Missing

I love this photograph for two reasons. For one, the beauty causes my spirit to go, “Ahhhhh.” Second, it tells me something about our value. Notice the dead tree sticking up out of the water . . . um, it’s hard not to notice, right? That tree was once vibrant with life. Had we known that […]