Salee Reese

Brain Fog

Hey, studies are substantiating that there’s a strong connection between the food we eat and the way we feel mentally—our mood! Psychologist Dr. Lynn Johnson, author of Enjoy Life! Healing with Happiness, wrote an excellent piece about this on his blog here. I couldn’t agree more. Personally, I know how I feel just minutes after […]

Get in Touch with Your Inner Teenager

Let’s face it, there’s something  about our teenage spirit we miss. Yes, back then we were reckless–even stupid at times, but there was something horrendously precious about it, too. Call  it our free spirit, our drive, our passion. How  do we recover  that spirit? Maybe the answer lies in recovering that which we abandoned amid […]

The Latest Wow: Teenage Daughters Trigger Psychosis in Their Mothers

I know this is true, not because I had daughters–I had sons–but because I had a mother, and I know what I did to her.  She vented about it regularly. Well, now that I’m a therapist, I hear other mothers vent.  Just like my mother, I’m certain they can’t help themselves.  They must vent.  Maybe […]