Salee Reese

The Latest Wow: Fire Your Inner Critic!

I had a client tell me once: “Every time I put myself down, I’m affirming that my mother was right.” Click here to read about Dawn and Doug and how their childhoods were fertile soil for the formation of negative self-talk and low self-worth.

The Sickness That Affects So Many

I found this article on childhood sexual abuse to be so impactful I just had to share: Thank you for your willingness to share this very personal trauma. May your strength, honesty and courage be contagious.  Salee Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Any time you’re cutting yourself down, you’re wrong.

We should always have an understanding heart toward ourselves. Self-criticism is learned—we don’t come out of the womb with that tendency. I’m talking about the self-esteem-destroying self-talk that buzzes around in one’s head endlessly. Like a virus that invades the brain, it constantly judges and condemns its host. Infection takes hold early in childhood after […]