Salee Reese

yoga crazy man

This is the extent of my thoughts on stress:  My life’s much too stressful for getting stressed out. I don’t have time for it. ~Salee

That said, I once wrote a column about an overachieving teenager, Jamie. You can read about her story here. In that column I pointed out that:

Young overachievers are rehearsing for a harried lifestyle. What’s amusing and ironic is that several years down the road these same people will be told—probably due to health problems—that a major course correction is in order. In their stress management, yoga or meditation classes, they’ll cultivate the ability to pace themselves and take time out to smell the roses. They’ll also learn that the way they’ve been conditioned—behaving like crazed hamsters on an ever-spinning wheel—is all wrong. It’s not how life should be lived. A lifestyle that creates high anxiety and ulcers cannot be healthy or happy.

Here’s a quote by William James:  “The essence of genius is to know what to overlook.” That statement tells me two things—first, I’m not even close to genius status, and second, William James wasn’t born in this century or the last.

Let me know what you think. Till next time!